Investigation 2 airport main

Airport in New Jersey Undisclosed Name & Location Second Investigation August 2011

Paranormal Claims:
Shadows have been reported in the tower. Strange noises and shuffling sounds have been heard in the hangar as well as the sounds of children playing.
The airport was originally built for private use in the 1950s.The land itself has a long history as well, having once been settled by the Lenni Lenape Indians. The property changed hands many times over the years and accommodated everything from an Iron mining operation and quarry to a children's camp and horse farm before its current incarnation. We are unable to say much more about its history as the name and location have been withheld per our clients request.
Our second visit to the airport turned out to be quite a bit different from our first. While we did not experience the same level of activity and interaction in the hangar, we did manage to capture some interesting evidence. Throughout the investigation, we had a pervasive feeling of being watched, yet ignored at the same time. Jerry summed it up perfectly in stating that he felt whomever was around was "bored with us". Once again, some negative comments were made toward Robert, & some familiar phrases were picked up during an Ovilus X session in the tower. A new friend of ours in the paranormal community seems to think that the this particular spirit is taking issue with Robert's presence as an affront to his authority. Will spent some time alone in the tower as well which resulted in a hit on our Mel8704rem meter coupled with some corresponding remarks from the Ovilus X. Later in the evening, we made our way over to the old barn that is on the property. These days, it is primarily used for storage. Our equipment picked up two distinct voices in this area that did not belong to any of our group members. The footage is posted here, but unfortunately what was said remains open for interpretation.

We all shared a rather odd personal experience that was not caught on camera. This occurred just after we had finished loading up our cars and were discussing the evenings events and saying our good-byes. The four of us were standing around in a circle, when Robert's St Michaels medal fell to the ground. The medal was being worn under his t shirt; and he did not feel anything when it fell to the ground. Now these medals are "quite cheap," so I can clearly see how it could just fall off, especially if he had held something against it earlier while moving equipment, etc.Under the circumstances, one would think it just fell out the bottom of his shirt. What I recall is simply hearing it hit the ground with a bit of force behind it. To me, it seemed like something heavier fell, such as a quarter. This is where it starts getting weird; Jerry saw a flash of silver in the air at eye level before it fell to the ground. He actually thought it had come from my direction. Again, the chain was under Bob's shirt & he never felt any movement whatsoever. Was this the same spirit that seemed bored with us earlier showing us where we stood in the grand scheme of things?

Case still active.
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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls