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Private Home Investigation, Undisclosed Location NJ July 2013

Paranormal Claims:
When we first met Larry, he had just purchased this summer house in Northern NJ. He immediately began encountering several different spirits in the home. While some seem to stay for a bit, many appear to quickly pass through as if there is a revolving door or portal.
More recently, he has heard whispered conversations throughout the house, and has even seen a woman stirring a pot on the stove. It is not uncommon for him to see spirits running quickly through the house as he did during this second investigation.

This may be a good time to remind everyone that Larry is quite sensitive and can often see the spirits and sense their presence.

If you have not seen the footage from our first investigation, I'd suggest you start there.
The link is provided directly below:

We have not been able to find much in the way of local or historical data. We did check into a few local deaths that had occurred around the time of our previous investigation, but they do not seem to have any bearing on the case.
We do know that the previous owner was an older woman who lived alone. Perhaps she was the spirit that represented herself to Larry in the kitchen not long ago.
This area of Northern New Jersey was originally home to the Lenni Lenape Indians. It is quite mountainous and rocky with many lakes and underground streams. It is possible that much of the rock that is found in this region could be acting as a conduit of sorts as it is rich in quartz, quartzite and granite. Water is also said to play a role in heightened activity.

Set up was rather straightforward, albeit time consuming due to the number of camera's in place. We really wanted to saturate the areas where we encountered so much activity on our previous visit.
Rem Pods were placed in position on the stairs as they were last time and multiple trigger objects were placed throughout the home.
Steve Lewis joined us via iPad just as we were opening up a line of communication with the spirits.
What unfolds from this point is mind boggling. I could go on about the equipment or our techniques, but it's not even necessary. You'll soon see why.

We would certainly like to try and cross any spirits that are interested in moving on. I know that we can make the suggestion. Reason with them. Perhaps remind the spirits of their loved ones who may be waiting for them on the other side. I'm sure Steve can do even more.

There is more I would like to elaborate on, but cannot for reasons of confidentiality.
Until next time!
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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince
of the Heavenly Host
by the Power of God-
cast into hell,
satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruins of souls